William H. Galvin

Middle School Project



What decides if it will be an addition/renovation or new building?

The MSBA process will require the project team to study a new building, renovating & adding to the existing, or do a code upgrade of the existing building, as part of the Feasibility study process. It will be up to the Town of Canton and the stakeholders to decide what option is the best one for the students, faculty and community.

What is the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)?

The William H. Galvin Middle School and Canton Public Schools is working with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) on the Middle School Building project. The MSBA is a quasi-independent government agency that funds capital improvement projects in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ public schools. The MSBA “work[s] with local communities to create affordable, sustainable, and energy-efficient schools across Massachusetts.” It has a dedicated revenue stream of one penny of the Commonwealth’s 6.25 percent sales tax. Since 2004, the MSBA has made more than $15.6B in reimbursement payments to school districts for school construction projects.

What is the School Building Committee (SBC)? Who is involved?

The GMS SBC is charged with coordinating and facilitating the design and construction of a new or renovated school. There are nineteen voting members of the SBC, which consist of Public Schools staff and elected officials, as well as community members with experience in the building/construction and education industries. Please visit the project team page to review a list of SBC members.

What is the timeline for the Galvin Middle School project?

This project is expected to take anywhere from five to seven years given the rigorous and multi-step process the MSBA requires. The process began in March 2022 when the MSBA invited Galvin Middle School into the Eligibility Period following the submittal of a Statement of Interest (SOI). It is anticipated that construction or renovation of Galvin Middle School, at the earliest, may begin in 2025 with project completion in 2027/2028. Final Project Schedule will be determined in a later design phase.

Where can I go to learn more information about this project? How can I stay informed?

The SBC and Canton Public Schools are committed to an inclusive, transparent process. As the project progresses, there will be considerable opportunities for public input and community engagement, including stakeholder surveys and public meetings. The project website has information to stay informed, such as relevant news articles, meeting agendas, minutes and presentations from the SBC meetings. The project website will be updated regularly as new information is available. SBC meetings are also posted regularly and open to the public. Please direct any further questions to the Project Email: (info@galvinmsproject.com). You can also sign up to the newsletter on the Home Page.

What are some of the issues with the current building?

  • Built in 1971
    • Modular addition in 2002
  • Identified for replacement in 2017 Canton Public Schools Master Plan
  • GMS has a shortage of classrooms, forcing teachers to share space
    • Music classrooms are not large enough to accommodate multi-grade band, chorus and orchestra courses and rehearsals.
  • The cafeteria is overcrowded and can only accommodate one class at a time
  • The library is poorly located and isn’t used as a central hub of learning.
  • Insufficient staff space limits their opportunity to collaborate.

How can a new GMS improve CPS education?

  • Enhance the quality of teaching and learning
  • Improve the school experience for students, teachers and staff
  • Better support educators as they respond to students’ academic, social and emotional needs
  • Increase accessibility for all students, including those with disabilities
  • Prevent the diversion of District funds from addressing emergency repairs to implementing curriculum
  • Create an environment that empowers students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially
  • Improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, thermal comfort and natural light
  • Provide a more cost-effective operating solution
  • Improve issues of proximity
  • Augment existing safety and security features

What were the final vote results?

Canton residents voted on the option to build a new Galvin Middle School on Tuesday December 10, 2024.

Between early voting, mail-in voting and in-person voting 3,943 votes were recorded. 2,924 Yes and 1,019 No and the vote passed by 74.2%.


What is the total project cost?

At the August 2024 MSBA board of directors meeting, the project was approved at a cost of $241.76 million, based on the schematic design.

How is the new GMS being funded?

The following document was presented to the Select Board, Finance Committee and Capital Planning Committe, detailing the funding plan.


What is the maximum amount MSBA could reimburse on the Galvin Middle School project?

Per the Project Funding Agreement with the MSBA, the anticipated reimbursement amount is $74.35 million.

What are the reimbursement rates for the Galvin Middle School project?

Canton’s reimbursement rate was 52%.  After the MSBA reviewed, the total rate was 30.75% of the project because of caps on specific reimbursements. Additionally, some of the elements included in the project are not subject to reimbursement, such as the auditorium, turf fields and lights.

What are the caps that the MSBA puts on reimbursement?

MSBA places reimbursement caps on several components of a school project, starting with the fees for mandated OPMs and designers. Additionally, building construction reimbursement is capped at $550 per square foot; site construction reimbursement is capped at $55 per square foot. Technology and furniture reimbursement are both capped at $1,200 per student. These caps were taken into consideration during the design phase.

What spaces does MSBA consider ineligible for reimbursement?

MSBA categorically excludes from reimbursement auditoriums, secondary gyms and abatement of floors and ceilings. For the GMS project, the School Building Committee and MSBA approved an 800-seat auditorium, which emerged as a key community priority, but is not covered under the reimbursement. Additionally, the GMS schematic design includes 2 full basketball courts. MSBA approved reimbursement of 1.5 of that total expense. The artificial turf fields and lights fulfilled another community priority, yet are also not eligible for MSBA reimbursement.

Does the overall budget include contingencies, like annual inflation?

Yes, it includes multiple contingencies for design, construction and owner items. It also projects the cost to anticipated 2026-2029 dollars.

What is the plan to finance this project?

Now approved by the town, the debt exclusion plan is to leverage a 30-year bond starting in fiscal 2030, which starts in July of 2029, and finishing in 2059. The plan also calls for taxing to the levy limit and accessing funds currently allocated for the Norfolk County pension system as that is anticipated to be fully funded in 2032.  The current excluded debt for taxpayers to pay off financing for Canton High School and Hansen Elementary School construction will come off the books in 2024 and 2037, respectively.  In addition, the Bolivar Pool and 1860 Washington St (St. Gerard’s) debt exclusions will be retired in 2040 and 2042, respectively.

What is the financial impact to the average Canton residential taxpayer?

The average residential taxpayer would pay an additional $886 in property taxes in the first year, $528 in the third year, and then that amount will continue to drop every year until the final year of the bond. Over the course of 30 years, the average cost to residential taxpayers will be $441 per year, or $110 per quarter.

How does the GMS cost compare to similar school construction costs in nearby towns?

The average impact in nearby communities for a school building of similar size and scope ranges between $600-$1000 for a residential taxpayer.

What steps does the town need to take to authorize the current funding plan?

The town held a special Town Meeting on Nov. 18 where residents voted to approve placing the debt exclusion for the Galvin Middle School project on the ballot. A special election was then held on Dec. 10. where the majority (74.2%) of voters said YES, and the project will now move forward.

What happens if either the Nov. 18 or the Dec. 10 vote fails?

If the Town had voted no, the project would not be able to utilize the MSBA reimbursement of $74M and would  be removed from the program. To start the process all over again and submit a new Statement of Interest to the MSBA and await an invitation to enter the Eligibility Period phase could take as long as 5-7 years.

If the Dec. 10 vote passes, when would construction begin?

During the summer of 2025, the construction team will begin their enabling phase, which will involve construction of auxiliary parking lots and a temporary road around the current GMS for construction vehicles. Actual construction of the new building will begin in the spring of 2026. Students will be using the new school at the start of the 2028/2029 school year. The current GMS will remain fully operational during construction of the new building.

Is there any property tax assistance for Canton Seniors and Veterans?

We are happy to share information on these local property tax credit and exemption programs that are available to Canton seniors and disabled veterans in need of assistance. This information is not intended to be used as tax advice. It is always advisable to consult with your accountant or tax professional to determine if you can access any of these programs.

The Town of Canton is committed to providing services and supports to benefit our seniors and veterans. We always aim for total transparency in our communication and we are always available to answer your individual questions.

Investing in a new Galvin Middle School is an important step toward maintaining our educational excellence and will benefit people across town, not just those with school-aged children. It is an investment that will pay dividends for this community for many years to come.

$1,000 Property Tax Exemption

Senior citizens over the age of 65 who meet certain income requirements may be eligible to receive an annual $1,000 exemption from property taxes. This is known as a “41C exemption,” and is administered locally through the Office of the Assessor. Seniors applying for this exemption must provide proof of income and assets to determine eligibility. All personal and financial information is kept strictly confidential. For more information, you can contact the Canton Assessor’s Office at (781) 821-5008.

Senior / Veterans Tax Relief Program

The Department of Elder and Human Services administers the Senior/Veterans Tax Program for Canton homeowners who are 60 and older.  The program allows seniors who meet income requirements to work up to 133 hours for the town in exchange for a residential property tax credit of $2,000 per year, not to exceed the property tax billed. For more information, call the Department of Elder and Human Services at (781) 828-1323.

 The Circuit Breaker Tax Credit

Massachusetts provides what is known as the “circuit breaker tax credit” for seniors over the age of 65 who meet certain income requirements. The credit is based on the actual real estate taxes or rent paid on the Massachusetts residential property you occupy as your principal residence. The maximum credit amount for tax year 2024 is $2,730. If the credit you’re owed exceeds the total tax payable for the year, you’ll be refunded the additional amount of the credit without interest. For more information, you can call the state Department of Revenue at 617-887-6367, option 1.

Hardship Grant

The Town of Canton offers a one-time grant for residents facing hardship. Those interested in seeking a grant must complete an application with the Board of Assessors. For more information, you can contact the Canton Assessor’s Office at (781) 821-5008.

Property Tax Assistance for Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans and their spouses may be eligible to receive one of several property tax exemption programs. Exemptions can range from $400 to $1,000 and are provided based on the nature of the disability. For more information, or to receive an application, you can contact the Canton Assessor’s Office at (781) 821-5008.

How can building a new middle school in Canton increase current property values?

Some Studies show that major construction projects in the average U.S. district not only could increase the test scores of the schools, but could also show an increase in property values on average 7% between 6-8 years after the bond was approved in an election.



“The New School Review – Part 2”


December 11, 2024 Abutters Letter